A rich programme that seeks, challenges and supports each child's greatest potential.
Children attending Cumnor House Kindergarten & Pre-School benefit from an enhanced education that prepares them for a highly successful school experience. Each child is supported by a dedicated key worker and qualified teacher.
With small class sizes and a determination to ensure every child is ready for the transition to our Reception class, we work at their pace, ensuring they are able to enjoy and get actively involved in every session. In the process, we attain levels of success and achievement that exceed nationally-expected standards.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Supporting young learners to flourish.
Our Pre-Schools' (and Reception) curriculum is based on The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS sets out the requirements for the learning and development of young students between the ages of 3-5 years.
Our approach is to combine exciting free play and experiential opportunities, such as creative and performing arts, our ever-changing ‘home corner’ (which can be anything from a Veterinary Surgery to Travel Agency) and STEM activities, with more structured learning opportunities such as counting activities and water trays for Science.
There are four key areas of learning, which are:
Developing an understanding of the world
Expressive arts and design
Each of these areas of learning is interconnected, and plays a vital role in the academic, physical, social, emotional and communication development of a child.
Through play our children explore and develop the learning experiences that help them make sense of the world.
They practice and build up their ideas, learn how to control themselves and begin to understand the need for rules.
They think creatively both alongside other children and on their own.
We give all our children every opportunity to achieve their best. At Cumnor House Kindergarten & Pre-School we set realistic and challenging expectations to meet the needs of our children, so that children achieve the Early Learning Goals.
We help them do this by planning to meet the needs of children who are more able, of children with disabilities, of children from all social and cultural backgrounds, of children from different ethnic groups and from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Informal assessments to aid child development.
The Early Years Foundation Stage profile is the nationally employed formative assessment tool that enables teachers to record their observations and to summarise their pupils’ progress using the ‘next steps’ format.
We make regular assessments of children’s learning and we use this information to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs.
Assessment in our nurseries takes the form of observations.
Using music to build social and emotional connections.
We are fortunate to have talented musicians on each Early Years staff team at Purley and South Croydon. This enables us to offer each child expert additional music lessons where they experience instruments being played to accompany singing times.
Music is an inclusive, joyous activity that can be accessed by all children and helps to build communication and language skills. It boosts self-esteem, and is a great way to encourage children to explore self-expression and creativity.
Staying active with sport and exercise.
Establishing a positive attitude to sport helps children develop physical skills, good relationships and teamwork, as well as promoting good health.
All children in their second year of Kindergarten & Pre-School (in which the children have their 4th birthday) have a weekly lesson with a member of the games staff from the main school. The teachers are wonderful role models and getting to know them well also supports a smooth transition into Reception.